Thursday, March 3, 2016

Our life is (almost) exciting enough to start a blog…

The other day while we were moving I asked Cale the question “Do you want to be an Instagram husband?” to which after I had to explain to him what an Instagram husband was. He gave me the reassuring answer of “Sure, but you don’t even have a blog.” touché, dear husband, touché. So here we are.

Now of course like every good housewife from Utah I’ve had thoughts of starting a blog, but I have a conscience about how boring my life is and I don’t think that even I have the literary ability into tricking you otherwise. The one exception to that would have been living with our turkeys. We had “free range” turkeys that just repeatedly escaped their enclosure, would roost outside Holland’s bedroom window, and would allow Cale to pick them up and carry them even while fully grown. RIP Turkeys—Gus & the other two.

A little over a year ago Cale had the opportunity to go work out of town, and out of state for that matter. Since jobs at home were becoming scarcer by the day he took it. Leaving me home to “manage” the house, Holland, our new puppy and the itty bitty baby in my belly (morning sickness, anyone?) A little over a month later I abandoned my post and flew down to Texas to live with my sweetheart. All was well, and we enjoyed living together even if things were a little (a lot) cramped. It was much warmer in Texas than it was at home, I got to see my husband every day, and we got to see our niece Madi fairly regularly since she was college rodeoing the next town over. But of course I was getting increasingly pregnant and wanted to be home to go to my doctors appointments, so at the beginning of the summer Holland and I moved home. Cale made a LOT of long drives that summer to come visit us—it was an eighteen hour drive. We ended up moving him to his next job location at the beginning of July which was only an eight and a half hour drive home. Close enough that he could drive it and hopefully get home in time for the birth of our second child. He would not agree to me getting induced at 39+ weeks in order to guarantee him being there, he probably must have remembered how miserable Hollands induction was.

So fast forward to two weeks after Britta was born (we’ll save her birth story for another day) and Cale says its time to go back to working out of town. We packed up almost everything BUT the kitchen sink into the camper and all four of us hit the road. It was the longest drive to New Mexico we’ve ever had. Apparently our infant didn’t get the memo that she was supposed to like her carseat, so a LONG ten and a half hours later we arrived to our temporary home. Unfortunately I was still healing from having a baby, Holland a curious toddler as ever, and Britta the high maintenance baby that she was, camper life was not ideal for any of us. Two weeks later was Labor Day weekend, Cale had plans to go hunting at home so we all came home, and after the weekend was over only Cale went back on the road. It was so hard to rip our family in half like that, and I still feel a pit in my stomach thinking back on it. He did have very short hours on that New Mexico job, so he took our dog Cobb along and they would go on hikes every night, and on even longer hikes on the weekend. The next job location was in Wyoming, which if you’ve ever been there is the windiest state there is. Luckily that job was only six hours from home, and when you’re used to eighteen six feels EASY. Between Bailee’s wedding and a couple of supply runs we got to see Cale fairly regularly during the cold months until he came home for Christmas. He had two and a half weeks home for Christmas which was WONDERFUL. We did some slight remodeling to our camper and replaced the hot water heater over his Christmas break and it was decided that we would all go on the road together again. So we packed up everything but the kitchen sink again, and drove the fifteen hours to the first jobsite.

It’s now the beginning of March and I’m happy to report that all four of us are still on the road together. We are currently rocking 256 sq feet of living space, a six gallon hot water heater, and our third RV park—the first of which that actually has wifi.